Light, Reconsidered

Lyrics: Hiromu Akita Composer: Hiromu Akita

I don’t want to talk about another life, it leads me to nowhere
I think my life, as I know it for a long time, is becoming somewhat lovable
Through colliding, rolling, fearing, struggling
The only thing I’ve got could be this feeling of attachment, I guess that’s fine
It’s that kind of light

Sometimes I become so empty that I wish everything would just disappear
God is long gone by hanging himself in an old apartment in Asagaya
Under the beautiful sky, while I was kissing my girl
I felt them all disappear, my memories and suicidal wishes
It’s that kind of light

Every morning I feel gloomy, but I’m still fond of the blue sky
In the park, I see children running around with joy and homeless guys sleeping under newspaper
Our future is bright, it’s so bright
As I sneezed once, a flock of pigeons flew off into the sky

Where can I go? Just go wherever you want
What can I do? Who am I asking this anyway
I tremble at trying to start something, as the jungle gym casts a long shadow
I’m going to leave now, heading for anywhere but here
It’s that kind of light

As my girl started working in downtown, I became to spend my night alone
It doesn’t really make me lonely, but suddenly I started to watch more TV
In the morning, when she comes home, I leave the apartment
Looking at her innocent smile, I thought she was truly beautiful
It’s that kind of light

I remember in childhood, we played chasing each other’s shadows
No matter how hard we chased, there was something we could never catch, as if it was a mirage, but now I realize
In truth, we don’t want to catch it, we’d rather keep chasing it forever
With a fire burning within, we want to keep running until we die

As we get swept away, we’ll head east tomorrow, repeating meetings and partings
Covering light and shadow, switching between crying and laughing
Yes that’s right, it’s okay, it’s okay, everyone is the same
Everyone has a bad day sometimes
It’s that kind of light

Just like the sun sets and rises again, like flowers lose petals and bloom again
Everything goes and comes around, and now everything is back the way it was
Please stop talking about another life, no, never again
You’re living in a shadow now, that’s just about it

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