privacy policy

Management body
This site is managed and operated by Fanplus Inc. Our company handles personal information based on the following privacy policy.
Purpose of use
The purpose of using personal information on this site is to collect and use it to improve the content of this site and send gifts, and to protect the interests of members.
Restrictions on use
We will not handle personal information for purposes other than achieving the above-mentioned [Purpose of Use] without obtaining the member's consent. However, exceptions pursuant to the provisions of Article 16 of the Personal Information Protection Act (cases based on laws and regulations, cases of protection of life or property, etc.) are excluded.
Ensuring accuracy
This site does its best to ensure the accuracy of members' personal information.
Safety management device
In order to prevent leakage, loss, or damage to the personal information of our site members, and to ensure safe management, we will select a person in charge of management, and manage the site in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Act.
Supervision of employees and contractors
We will select a manager and supervise our employees and subcontractors in accordance with Article 21 (Supervision of Employees) and Article 22 (Supervision of Subcontractors) of the Personal Information Protection Act.
Restrictions on provision to third parties

We will comply with each of the above items and will not disclose personal information registered by members to any third party unless it falls under any of the following.

  • 1.When there is consent of the member.
  • 2. When it is necessary to disclose personal information to cooperating companies, affiliated companies, and outsourcing companies that have concluded confidentiality agreements with our company in order to carry out the purpose of collection specified to the member.
    (Example: Outsourcing the shipping of our products or product materials to a subcontractor, inquiries to credit card companies at the time of payment, etc.)
  • 3.When it is appropriate for the member's inquiry to be answered by our affiliated companies or agents.
  • 4. When disclosing data in a state where individual members cannot be identified, such as statistical data. (Example: Number of people requesting materials, etc.)
  • 5. When required to submit based on laws and regulations.
Regarding inquiries, corrections, deletions, and suspension of use
For inquiries regarding members' personal information, correction, deletion, or suspension of use in the event of errors, please contact this site. In order to prevent the leakage of a member's personal information to a third party, if we can confirm that the request is made by the member himself/herself, we will disclose the member's personal information within a reasonable period of time.・We will make corrections, deletions, and suspension of use.
Compliance with related laws and other norms
This site complies with applicable laws and regulations regarding personal information registered by members.
Regarding changes to the handling of personal information
This site may revise the outline of how personal information is handled in order to better protect the personal information of our members, or in response to changes in Japanese laws and regulations or other norms. In that case, we will notify you separately.
Consultation counter
If you have any questions regarding the handling of personal information on this site or your own personal information, please contact us using the inquiry form.